Threatened by ELINK VIETNAM, an English teaching company (part 2)

Elink Vietnam, the dodgy English teaching company that threatened me for not working without payment and that ignored me when I asked for my last salary, finally paid me. Why? Because of a big scene I did in front of the Public Schools where I worked in Hanoi. Apparently, it is a common practice in the country not to pay on time, to threaten [...]

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THREATENED by Elink Vietnam, an English teaching company

Teaching English in Vietnam seems a funny job, especially if you love kids, but it can turn into a nightmare if you commit with a dodgy company -without being aware of its practices-, as was my case within Elink Vietnam, an English teaching company. English teaching nightmare The story started in September, when I signed a contract with Elink [...]

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¿Qué hacer en Cartagena de Indias, Colombia? En este post te cuento varios planes fáciles y no tan «dolorosos» para el bolsillo -sí, porque esta ciudad puede ser cara-, para que disfrutes de esta perla del Caribe colombiano. Cartagena de Indias es un punto que definitivamente no te puedes saltar si vas a Colombia. Conjuntamente con la amable [...]

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Documents to apply for a WORKING PERMIT IN VIETNAM

Getting the Working Permit in Vietnam to legally teach English is not as difficult as in countries where foreigners are forbidden to work. As promised in this video, where I explain some reasons to work as English teacher in Vietnam, here is the list of documents required for a Working Permit in Vietnam : University Degree It doesn’t [...]

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En esta entrada no te voy a hablar de si debes traer euros o dólares al sudeste asiático, de si llevar efectivo o tarjeta… sino del estado de los billetes que cargues. Algo que es súper importante, aunque no parezca. Sí, porque en el sudeste asiático hay que tener cuidado con la moneda fuerte: tanto en Myanmar como en Camboya y Laos, son tan [...]

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¿Por qué NO hacer ANGKOR WAT en BICICLETA?

¿Bici, moto o tuk-tuk? Si estás pensando visitar el complejo arqueológico más grande de Camboya, seguro tendrás este dilema. Yo escogí hacer Angkor Wat en bicicleta y me arrepentí, después de ver lo gigantesca que resultó esta maravilla del mundo. View this post on Instagram *ENGLISH BELOW . Angkor Wat no es solamente el #templo que todo el mundo [...]

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